


A hands-on/ears-on experience and exploration of contemporary music, that's the objective of the apps in this project. In collaboration with multiple distinguised partners several applications were developed for performances and music installations. Most of these apps can also be used in an educational setting like music schools, concert halls, music museums etc. Not only is it fun to play with the apps, there is also a clear thematical relationship with the theory and history of music.
"+ "

Young Aria singer

"+ "

Real music/Real fun

What children/students can play themselves on musicals instruments or toys differs a lot from 'grown-up' music. Therefor in music education it is often very difficult to connect the musical activities of students to 'artistic' music. The Art Music Apps are developed to make this connection thru interactivity and clear references to the work of famous and less famous composers. And this certainly doesn't mean it gets too theoretical or boring: most composers are playful enough to make such an experience great fun.

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"+ "

Now available

We now present a collection of 8 apps which are available immediatly online, but also can be included in your projects.
All apps trigger a musical response of the users/players/participants.

"+ ""+ ""+ ""+ ""+ ""+ ""+ ""+ "
In CTerry Riley
AriaJohn Cage
MuageJohn Cage
Synaesthesia AppAlexander Scriabin
AZART musicGuy Rombouts
Pour 100 MétronomesGyörgy Ligeti
Ut queant laxisGuido d'Arezzo
BytebeatVille-Matias Heikkila (aka Viznut)
"+ "

Under development

We are working on some interactive apps which show innovative music from the past in a inspiring way to a contemporary audience.

"+ ""+ "
Erratum musicalMarcel Duchamp
Musikalisches WürfelspielW.A. Mozart
"; textContent[21]="

In C App • Terry Riley

"+ "Multi-user interactive web application: https://artmusicapps.com/incapp

"+ "In C of Terry Riley is an iconic example of minimal music and this application plays a session every hour of every day. Upto 15 players from all over the planet can join a play along with their smartphone. When less than 5 human players have joined 3 'bots' play along as unique random players.
"+ "

In C in action

"+ "The application was developed in collaboration with ChampdAction and Concertgebouw Bruges.
"+ "Extensive musicological, technical and educational documentation is available. Local installation to play 'private sessions' on any given moment is possible"; textContent[22]="

Aria App • John Cage

"+ "Download local interactive application: https://artmusicapps.com/aria/aria.zip

"+ "In 1958 John Cage composed/drew Aria for Cathy Berberian. The graphic music notation gave her and many singers after her the freedom to sing Aria in their own creative way. With the Aria App melodies, you sing, play or whistle are drawn on the computer screen as an Aria-like score. At the same time samples are recorded and played back as inspiring accompanying voices.
"+ "

Your song in Aria notation

"+ "The application was developed in collaboration with Music theatre Transparant (Zonzo Compagnie) and used in Big Bang Festivals all over Europe.
"+ "Technical and educational documentation is available."; textContent[23]="

Muage • John Cage

"+ "Interactive web application: https://artmusicapps.com/muage

"+ "Towards the end of his life Cage experimented often with mixtures of text and music in pieces like Mureau (Music based on texts of Henry David Thoreau) or Muoyce (Music based on fragment of Finnigans wake of James Joyce). Muage is an interactive 'score' with 10 citations of John Cage about silence. The text consists of 5 voices which can be read one after another or as a choir. It is at the same time a tribute to Cage and probably the quickest and most intuitive way to understand and enjoy these 'difficult' works of this great composer.
"+ "

Words as music

"+ "Extensive musicological and educational documentation is available. The Muage App is available in English and translations in Dutch, French, German and Spanish."; textContent[24]="

Synaesthesia App • Alexander Scriabin

"+ "Interactive web application: https://artmusicapps.com/scriabin

"+ "Alexander Scriabin is a fascinating composer who experimented with synesthetic combinations of music, color and light, thus creating art for all the senses. With the Synaesthesia App music (also what you sing or play yourself) is presented as coloured light according to the colour scale Scriabin used for his compositions. At the same time piano chords are played as an inspiring musical interaction.
"+ "

Colours as music

"+ "Technical and educational documentation is available."; textContent[25]="

AZART (Music) App • Guy Rombouts

"+ "Interactive web application: https://artmusicapps.com/azart

"+ "Guy Rombouts is an artist who associates the letters of the alphabet with shapes, colours, sounds, music ... In this way any text can take any shape or form, from drawings and sculptures to his famous bridges in Amsterdam. With the AZART apps you can create 3D shapes, coloured patterns and music. The music app allows players to experiment with instruments, tempi, voices, chords etc.
"+ "

Musical alphabet

"+ "Technical and educational documentation is available."; textContent[26]="

Poème Synthétique • György Ligeti

Interactive web application: https://artmusicapps.com/metronomes

"+ "The Poème symphonique pour 100 métronomes is one of the first and most famous examples of conceptual music. However it is performed rarely ... for practical reasons, of course. With this app you can start a performance on any smartphone or computer and experiment with de length of the piece just like in a real performance. The sound is based on recordings of real metronomes and is carefully mixed in a stereo panorama. The app includes options to further explore Ligeti's micropolyphonism with other sounds samples. Groups of players can each play a set of metronomes and have an immersive unique experience.
"+ "

A poem...

"+ "Technical and educational documentation is available."; textContent[27]="

Arezzo App • Guido d'Arezzo

"+ "Interactive web application: https://artmusicapps.com/arezzo

"+ "Ut queant laxis is the Gregorian chant Guido d'Arezzo used a thousand years ago as the basis for the musical notation system we (more or less) still use today. With the Arezzo App you can see - while you listen to music or sing/play yourself - which words are the origin for do, re, mi etc.
"+ "

The origin of music notation

"+ "Technical and educational documentation is available."; textContent[28]="

Bytebeat Ville-Matias Heikkila (aka Viznut)

"+ "Interactive web application: https://artmusicapps.com/bytebeat

"+ "Bytebeat is a very small open source app which connects the processor of a computer directly to the sound output and the screen. You hear and see what is actually happening inside the computer. The only way to influence the sound and the image is by changing - while the app is running - the algorithm which makes the connection. 'Hacking' with Bytebeat can be great fun and is yet another proof that music and mathematics have a lot in common.
"+ "

Mathematics jam

"+ "Technical and educational documentation with many adaptable examples of algorithms is available."; textContent[29]="

Apps which are under development

"+ "

Erratum AppMarcel Duchamp

Interactive web application
"+ "Marcel Duchamp is the founding father of conceptual art, but it is far less known that he also composed/invented music. Erratum musical is a song which consists of 25 different notes which are chosen at random. The text of 25 syllables is a random fragment from a dictionary. Duchamp performed the song together with his two sisters. With the Erratum App you can explore many more of the billions of variants of this music.

Musikalisches Würfelspiel W.A. Mozart

Interactive web application
"+ "Random music existed long before artists like Duchamp and Cage started experimenting in the 20th century. Even Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart composed his Musikalisches Würfelspiel in which the order of the bars of a piano sonata are chosen by throwing dice. With this app you can listen to all the variants of the sonata."; textContent[30]="


Open and professional versions

Of most of the apps there is an open and free version available for direct web-based use or for download. These free versions for a wider public however do only include the basic options.
The free versions can be hosted by our professional partners, even with adapted information and branding. Our project aims to enhance the experience of the clients of our professional partners, not to refer those clients to another website or venue.
"+ "For professional use in a school, museum etc. more complex options are built in to adapt the apps to a specific installation or educational scenarios. The educational information, which is produced in cooperation with the experienced musicologists of Matrix New Music and ChampdAction, is also only available for professional users.
"+ "

Subscription and services

The whole collection of apps for public use is available for professional partners at an annual subscription fee of € 2500,-.
"+ "The whole collection of apps for educational use for registered students by music schools and conservatories is available at an annual subscription fee of € 500,-.
"+ "The subscription includes access to educational material, manuals and to the helpdesk.
"+ "Authors rights depending on local conditions (e.g. the size of the public etc.) and regulations are not included.

"+ "Extra services we can provide are:
"+ "• Adaptation of the design to fit in a specific house style (also for the free version).
"+ "• Adaptation to special hardware like custom touch screens.
"+ "• Detailed and up to date documentation on the best hardware for interactive use an be provided.
"+ "• Remote maintenance of the applications.
"+ "• Translation of all text on the screen.
"+ "• Handling of authors rights on the content.
"+ "• Management of implementation and hosting.

"+ "The fee for programming and design is € 100,- per hour.
"+ "The fee for other services is € 75,- per hour.
"+ "Travel expenses etc. are not included.
"+ "

Hardware suggestions

Art Music Apps with local audio interaction run on any pc or Apple Mac computer. The apps with web audio interaction also run on iPads and Android tablets. We won't provide hardware for our apps, but we do inform our partners which hardware is best at a given moment based on up to date experience and technical advice.

"+ "Basic and educational supervised use:
"+ "• Any Apple Mac computer or pc with (I3-processor or equivalant) + internet access + browser
"+ "• Vocal microphone if audio interaction is required
"+ "Minimal hardware cost per console: € 500,-

"+ "Educational unsupervised use for all apps:
"+ "• Intel NUC8i3BEH2 + 32 GB Memory +Windows 10 + internet access + browser
"+ "• Vocal microphone
"+ "• 17 inch touch screen Iiyama T1732MSC-W1X (sturdy, scratch proof, stand or wall mount)
"+ "Hardware cost per configuration: € 760,-

"+ "Panel installation for unsupervised use for all apps:
"+ "• Intel NUC8i3BEH2 + 32 GB Memory +Windows 10 + internet access + browser
"+ "• Vocal microphone
"+ "• 17 inch touch screen Iiyama ProLite TF1734MC-B5X (sturdy, scratch proof, panel mount)
"+ "Hardware cost per configuration: € 900,-

"; textContent[40]="


Art Music Apps

"+ "Teun de Lange
"+ "Boulevard de Ruyter 170
"+ "4381 KE Vlissingen
"+ "The Netherlands
"+ "+31 6 21 60 57 14
"+ "teun.de.lange@artmusicapps.com";